Divine Seeds Of Hope

Hello Divine Diva’s,

I’m so excited to start a new project Divine Seeds Of Hope which is a book lending library for abused women, low income women, women with low self esteem, and women who are going through a difficult time in their life and are need of inspiration. I have faced many adversities over the years and one thing that has really helped me is to be able to read inspirational, motivational, and self help books. I’ve also had the pleasure of interviewing some of these women authors and they are fabulous. I’m very passionate about inspiring, motivating, empowering, and supporting women so I decided I wanted to create a book lending library so that women who are in need of these books can come here to the site, request and borrow a book to read.

The situation with the economy has been tough for all of us over the past few years. Books aren’t cheap so the idea of creating a lending library for women to be able to borrow the books came to me. I love being able to help other women and although I’m not working due to my chronic illnesses, I really feel called to do this. I have lots of awesome books that I’ve held onto over the years and I want to be able to lend them out so that hopefully they will help other women who read them. I’ll be starting out with a small selection but I know the selection will grow as other women who believe in this project donate their books. I’ve already had one woman contact me to donate some books which is awesome.

The way the program will work is any woman who would like a book can take a look on here at the books being offered and she can select a book to borrow. You can borrow one book at a time and keep it for up to 30 days and then return the book in order to borrow another one. I will have the book titles on here that you can click on it to read the description about it. The link you click on will take you to Amazon but you are not going to buy the book, I’m just using the links so you can take a look at the book and then come back here to request the book to borrow.

When you find a book that you want to borrow you can send me an email to divinedivainspiration@yahoo.com telling me what book you want to borrow, give me your name and mailing address and I will email you back to let you know if the book is available or not. If I email you back to say the book is checked out, you can request another book or let me know if you want to stay on the waiting list for the first book you requested. I’m also going to attach a little envelope inside the book and put an index card inside the envelope and I think it would be fun for you to add your name and where you live so that everyone can see where the books have traveled.

I’m planning on launching the program on May 20th if all goes well and I’ve set up a Facebook page where you can get updates on the program as well as share your comments about the program. If you would like to write comments about how the book you borrowed helped you and if you enjoyed the book that would be awesome. I will also be posting my inspirational writing there as well to help inspire you. The page is Divine Seeds Of Hope

I've also set up a fundraising page to help cover the cost of postage to mail out books. Please feel free to share the page with anyone you think may want to donate to the program. Divine Seeds Of Hope When the program starts we will be only sending out books to women who live in the United States but as the program grows we will try to include women outside the United States as well. I’m funding this project myself and since I’m not working due to my illnesses the project might be slow going in the beginning as far as how many books I can send out each month. But I feel really strongly about this program and as the program grows and more women find out about it, I know that others will donate to help me cover the cost of mailing out the books.

I intend to send out as many as I can each month and if I’m not able to get you a book right away, please know that I will let you know as soon as I can send it out. I will make a list of anyone who I can’t send a book out to right away and keep the names in order of when the request comes in and hope you will be patient as the program grows.

Please take a look at the links below for the books I have available to borrow and check back often to see books that are added to the list. Remember when you click on the book it will take you to Amazon to look at the book description, but you are not purchasing the book, you can come back here to email me regarding which book you would like to borrow.

I look forward to being able to start and grow this project and I hope you will find books here that will inspire and motivate you, just as they have inspired and motivated me. Remember that it doesn’t matter how old you are or what adversities you have faced in life, you can still go on to live the life you are meant to live. I believe we all have special gifts and talents and it’s our job to discover them and share them with the world. I hope you find yours and share them with the world.

Wishing you a Divine Day!
Donna Webster
Always Remember that you are Beautiful, Strong, Powerful, Fearless, Amazing, Divine, and most important of all YOU ARE ENOUGH! Divine Diva Donna

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