Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Looking Into The Eyes Of Love

Hello Divine Diva’s

I had the pleasure of meeting Nick Vujicic a few years ago. Here’s what happened when I met him.

Do you ever have those weeks when certain things happen to you that leave you really feeling down about yourself? Well for me this week was one of those weeks. I was really feeling down about myself and is spite of that, some amazing things happened to me. About a month ago I saw a video of Nick Vujicic from Life Without Limbs and was so inspired by him, but had no idea at the time that I would ever get to meet him. Nick was born without arms and legs and he travels the country speaking about God. He’s such a remarkable man, and that’s putting it mild. Anyway I found out this week from a friend that he was going to be speaking at her church this week and I was so excited and knew I had to go hear him speak, but until Friday I had no idea how I would be able to go and see him.

My car has been down for more then a week and everyone I asked to go with me could not go, so I had almost given up hope that I was going to be able to see him. Then a friend stepped in and made it possible for me to go. It’s weird because I didn’t have any specific intention when I went to hear him speak, except to get a seat in the front of the church which I did. I had no idea what a powerful night this would be for me. Watching him up close speak about his life and how God uses him, was so inspiring and amazing. I mean here is this young man, who could have easily given up on himself, and instead he chose to do great things with his life, and in the process he inspires millions of people all over the world.

I knew without a doubt that I had to meet him after the service. Although I had no idea what I would say to him, and was so nervous trying to think of something great to say, when it was my turn to go and hug him and speak to him, I hardly said anything. I’m not usually a nervous person and I’m not one who is ever at a loss for words, but there I was standing in front of him not knowing what I could say to him that would mean something. If I was at my computer, I’m sure I would have thought of a million things to say to him. I’m an inspirational writer and words flow more freely when it’s just me and the computer, but in person, I thought I really blew it when it was my turn to speak to him.

But then something magical happened. After I said the only two things I could think of to say to him and received one of his famous hugs, I started to walk away from Nick and then he called me back over to him. I had no idea what was about to happen, and I’m still in shock remembering what he said to me that night. He looked into my eyes and it felt like he was looking into my soul, and as I looked at him, I knew I was looking into the eyes of love. He told me what a beautiful, generous spirit I have and he seemed to know everything about me, although we had never met before. He asked my name and then asked if he could talk to me and tell me a few things. Of course I said yes, but I had no idea how powerful what he said to me would be. He knew that I try so hard to help others and he also knew that I have questions each day and often wonder if I’m on the right path and if what I do matters to anyone. He knew that I worry about these things and that I get stressed out about wondering if I’m doing what I’m meant to do in my life.

He told me that God knows that I worry about these things and that I want clarity and that I want to know the answers, and he told me that he loves me and that God loves me as well. He told me that God knows I want clarity about my life and what I do with it. To tell you the truth I was so nervous and freaked out and I think I even said that to Nick but I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It was just so weird and amazing that Nick knew so many things about me and I know the only way that he could know these things about me was from God himself. He even knew that I take medications and when he asked about it, I told him I take several medications for a few chronic illnesses and a severe back problem as well. He seemed to know so many things about me but most important of all, he knew that I wanted confirmation. He knew I wanted to know that what I do and who I am does make a difference in the lives of others.

Always Remember that you are Beautiful, Strong, Powerful, Fearless, Amazing, Divine, and most important of all YOU ARE ENOUGH! Divine Diva Donna

I remembered in his sermon, Nick said God uses him to show others what is possible for each of us, and I know and believe with all of my heart that God chose a very special man when he sent Nick out to the world to spread his message of love. Nick reminded me that it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, and for me this was a message I needed to hear more then ever this week. I had so many doubts about myself this week and wondered to myself, what if I’m not the woman to help the women and girls that I reach out to, and I received the answer to that question that night from Nick.

I know now more then ever that I am the right person and that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. God used Nick to give me the clarity I was seeking and to confirm without a doubt, that I need to continue on my mission to help inspire, motivate, and build self esteem in women and young girls. And as I continue to remind those I connect with that they are enough, I know now that I am also enough, just as I am. I know now that my life has been blessed and I will continue to use my gifts and talents wherever I go. I know now what it feels like to look into the eyes of pure love. I saw that tonight in Nick’s eyes as he spoke to me.

I thank Nick from the bottom of my heart for reminding me that I am a child of God and for reminding me that I don’t need to question my purpose. I am doing what I’m meant to do each time I reach out to another woman who has been abused and who is hurting, and I will continue to do all that I can and all that is in my heart. He reminded me that I am loved and he looked into my soul and showed me what I needed to see this week. I thank him for telling me that he loves me and reminding me that God loves me as well. I will always cherish the night I met Nick and when doubts come up, I will remember the words he spoke to me and remember the gift of love that I received from him that night. Those gifts of love that poured out of Nick's heart are priceless to me and will stay with me forever.

I thank him for giving me the chance to look into the eyes of love and see what I needed to see and for reminding me to never give up on my mission in life. He reminded me that love conquers any fear we might have each day. He reminded me that with love all things are possible. He also spoke about the word impossible and broke it down into this. I AM POSSIBLE! So for anyone reading this who has doubts about themselves and who feels that things are impossible, remember that anything is possible if you believe it is.

Please check out Nick’s website to see what an amazing man and gift Nick is at http://www.lifewithoutlimbs.org Take a look at what God can do through each and every one of us.

You can order Nick’s books in hardcover, paper book, or kindle by clicking on the following links.

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